The benefits of formula feeding

Every mother has the right to decide between breastfeeding and formula feeding, judgment-free. Your body creates breast milk with a perfect balance of all the proper nutrients, but it’s not always an option for every mother.

Why Mothers Choose Formula

Breastmilk is the gold standard when it comes to nourishing an infant. However, breastfeeding isn’t always the answer, whether by choice or other reason. Today’s infant formulas are closer than ever to breastmilk in nutrient composition. Ultimately, fed is best, but you can still enjoy the unique experience feeding your baby brings. Here are a variety of benefits from using formula.

  1. Either parent or caregiver can feed. This gives mothers a chance to rest and allows other loved ones to bond with their child and share feeding duties.
  2. Less frequent feeding times. Breast milk digests more quickly, which also means babies get hungry faster. Formula can keep your child full for longer.
  3. Various formula types. If your baby has special feeding needs such as an allergy or sensitivity, there are formulas available that cover the spectrum.
  4. Formula is convenient and does not require refrigeration before mixing. This reduces preparation time and gives you more flexibility to pack the diaper bag the night before and rush less in the mornings.
  5. All the benefits, less of the not-so-fun. Breastfeeding is a natural and wonderful bonding experience. Though the payoff is priceless, a certain amount of non-fun things come with the territory that’s skipped in formula feeding. Some examples include engorgement, teething, finding a private area (if desired), effects on certain body parts, and more.

Woman standing, preparing formula, infant formula clinical trials

When Formula Is Necessary

Sometimes doctors recommend both breastmilk and formula. When a baby is premature or underweight, formula will give extra calories and nutrients. Formula is a great supplement if a mother cannot produce enough breastmilk or for other reason an infant may have trouble getting a sufficient amount of breastmilk, such as latching issues.

Surgeries and other health conditions may also make it necessary to formula feed. For example, breast surgeries can affect lactation and how much milk is produced. Chemotherapy and certain medications can make breastmilk harmful for your baby to consume.

More Advanced Formulas

Explore infant formula trials enrolling now

The growth and development of your child is your priority and ours. We have enrolling trials for improved baby formula for newborns up to 2 weeks old. If you would like to apply to see a physician and be provided formula at no cost, call (406) 763-8833 or visit our website.
