Boeson Research is proud to announce that beginning Monday, April 5th, we’re offering free COVID-19 vaccines to our community. We will be administering the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, which is a one-dose administration. There are no insurance, copays, or eligibility requirements and no charge to you.
The Johnson & Johnson Vaccine
The Johnson and Johnson shot is a viral vector type of vaccine. Viral vector vaccines use a modified version of a different virus (the vector). The vector enters into the cells and shows them how to produce a harmless piece of the virus that causes the COVID-19 virus (not the virus itself). The piece used is known as a spike protein that is only found on the virus’s surface that causes COVID-19.
The process triggers the production of antibodies by our immune system. It also begins activating other immune cells to fight off what it thinks is an infection. Once complete, our bodies learn how to protect us against future infections with the virus that causes COVID-19. When you get vaccinated, you get protection without ever having to risk potentially severe consequences of getting sick with COVID-19.
Most common side effects:
- Pain, redness, swelling at the injection site
- Tiredness
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Chills
- Fever
- Nausea
Most people will experience some level of discomfort, primarily injection site pain or cold-like symptoms. Any temporary discomfort you experience after vaccination is a natural part of the process and a sign that the vaccine is working. It’s important to remember that harmless parts of the virus that cause COVID-19 are being used, and you are not getting the actual virus.
There’s Limited Supply, So Here’s How to Sign Up
If you are unsure about whether you can get vaccinated at this time due to underlying health issues, consult with your doctor before signing up. To register for the vaccine, you must submit an application online through our website here. Once we begin scheduling, our member of our team will contact you to set up a date and time. There’s a limited supply, so submit your application today!
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